OFFICE RELOCATION on Dec. 25 事務局移転

We are pleased to announce that our headquarter office will be moved from Shibuya, Tokyo to 3-21-21-203 Kikuna, Kohoku, Yokohama 222-0011 JAPAN on Dec. 25. The new office is conveniently located off Kikuna station that's one stop from Shin-Yokohama station. Please update the address and phone number +81-45-716-8218. Please drop by our office if you happen to come this way.
12月25日より、弊会事務局は、渋谷より〒222-0011 神奈川県横浜市港北区菊名3-21-21-203に移転致します。新横浜駅より1駅の菊名駅近くの便利な立地です。住所、電話番号(045-716-8218)の変更をお願い致します。近くへお越しの際は、ぜひお立ち寄りください。